
T is lots of reason for excitement for The Last Guardian, which stars a young boy and a dog-like beast named Trico.

The Last Guardian is so captivating because of how designers cultivate the relationship between your character – a young boy with mysterious markings on his body – and Trico, the beast with features resembling a bird, cat and dog.

Players will treat Trico like a pet: tending to wounds, feeding him, calling him to your location and petting him to calm down.

Then t are the quiet moments, like one w Trico is playing in water, w you discover the strength of your bond.3.

One you earn Trico’s trust, players then seek their way out all while trying to understand how you got and why t’s a giant bird/cat/dog with you.

Probably the most important thing I learned while playing is the value of reaching a higher vantage point.

Whether you climb a platform, or scale the feathery back of Trico, getting a view from above often helps in figuring out w you need to go.5.

Are the camera and controls aggravating enough to kill the journey? So far, I’m too busy admiring Trico to worry.