Disney’s 1967 animated classic has been cherished for decades because of its catchy soundtrack and anthropormophic creatures that are treasured.
And Jon Favreau’s take on the film feels much less Disney, substantially more James Cameron – using a wholesome dose of Rudyard Kipling blended in for good measure.
The only live-action component of this new version is Mowgli himself, played by novice Neel Sethi.
Sethi is encompassed with a slew of notable voice talent including Bill Murray, Scarlett Johannson, Idris Elba, Ben Kingsley, Lupita Nyong’o, and Christopher Walken.
Set to debut in April 2016, Disney’s The Jungle Book appears that it is built to impress.
It also wins the prize for first out of the gate, with Warner Bros.
Time will tell if a second movie is even needed at this point.