Friday, huh? Want some new music? Well, we have this for you. Ronjo W. Ronjo W. Ronjo W. Ronjo W. Ronjo W., a Texas singer and composer Ryan Joseph’s project, has released his single “Find Me Out” for the first time in four years. The series premieres “Find Me Out” – the first single of the new project and the first musical release after EP Ronjoism in 2015. After a short stay in Australia at the end of 2018, she moved to the UK, w she worked as a freelance translator and interpreter before joining the Music Crows. Music C Crons is a global platform for the discovery of music artists, a hallmark of the world’s best independent, recently signed, unregistered musicians. Listen to “Find out more about me” below. The title starts with local guitar songs and animated drums before Joseph joins us to draw the listener’s attention with his soft and small Indian vocal styles.

Ronjo V