
“He said that Nate and someone else had sex with her the night before and that she had thrown up in the hallway and the bathroom of their apartment and Nate made Jennifer clean it up,” Kangas testified at the trial.

One week later, when Jennifer first confronted Nate Parker about the night of the alleged rape-on a phone call she surreptitiously, and illegally, recorded-the student athlete assured her that no one else had been in the room.

In the call, a tearful Jennifer struggled to get Parker to put the other man on the phone; after all, she said, she didn’t know “Whose baby it is in the first place.”

The suit argued that college administrators favored the athletes over Jennifer after she brought the rape allegations and failed to protect her from Parker and his friends’ reprisals.

The identity of Parker and Celestin’s accuser was initially confidential-she was unnamed in news stories and listed only as Jane Doe in the federal lawsuit-but, according to the civil case, the wrestlers allegedly hired a private eye who splashed an enlarged photograph of Jennifer around campus so students could supply dirt on her.

Jennifer said she had been taking Prozac since 1997 for previous bouts of depression, and the long time between the rape accusations and the trial date-more than two years-caused her to sink even further into the abyss.