In addition to the comparison, STORRY differs from the imitation – the singer with a classical past, who shows a strong passion and honesty in writing and producing “her” own “own” music, showing that the “own” style is unique and “own”. Leave my heart behind” is the first single and the first step towards recovery and self-knowledge that begins at the end of a violent relationship. If the first single had been chosen so that people could stand up and watch, “Leave my heart behind”, it would have been a gold standard. Leave my heart behind” is described as “dedicated to everyone who is classified as toxic in a relationship. Friday, huh? Do you want new music? Well, we have this for you. After a short stay in Australia at the end of 2018, “she” moved to the UK w “she” worked as a freelance translator and interpreter before joining the Music Crows. Music Crowns is a global platform for the discovery of new musicians, a trademark of the world’s best non-subscribers, independent musicians and recently signed artists.

My Heart Behind