
Miss Teen USA had been enjoying a healthy amount of good press after announcing they would discontinue the swimsuit segment of the competition.

This year, contestants wore colorful athletic gear instead. But Saturday night when the top five finalists were introduced at the Venetian in Las Vegas, it was hard to ignore what they had in common.

As Chrissy Teigen’s tweet succinctly pointed out, a picture of the five blue-eyed blondes was worth a thousand words.

Contestants competed in three categories: active wear, evening gown and interview.

Before the outrage-ometer could get too high, at least from the social media-friendly model, Teigen tempered her tweet.

Sister competition Miss USA was far more diverse in 2016.

Barber added: “I’m not the first African-American woman to win the competition, and I think it goes to show not only as a woman of color but as a soldier, an IT analyst, a woman with her masters degree, that the Miss Universe organization is looking for diversity.”