Friday, right? Do you want new music? Well, we’ve got it for you. Music Crowns is the global platform for the discovery of music artists, the hallmark of the world’s best non-subscriptions, independent and newly signed music artists. By mixing organic and electronic elements, “your” original music brings a new perspective through light and shadow. Marie Lang is an unmistakably talented artist with a unique style that is reflected in her latest album “Comfort Zone”. Comfort Zone” also provides an overview of what she will look like when her next EP goes on sale in December of this year. With unforgettable lyrics, creative rhythmic structures and tasteful melodies, R&B and soul lovers will certainly appreciate it. The long songs fit perfectly into the music genre, because their unique “tone” completes the darkest atmosp. For just over three minutes, the song did not survive the reception and promised fans and new listeners that they would hear it again.

Marie Lang