
Marie Harel was born on April 28 1761 and is credited with inventing Camembert cheese in a commune of Northern France now known as Camembert.

Today’s Google Doodle slideshow features a charming cartoon showing Marie Harel and three cows making and then eating Camembert together.

“The Google Doodle webpage said:”If not for Marie Harel, born April 28, 1761, brie might have no gooey counterpart.

“Today, only Camembert made from unpasteurized milk receives the designation Camembert de Normandie.”

The village of Vimoutiers is home to the Camembert Museum and has a statue of Harel in recognition of her delicious contribution to French cheese making.

“The Google Doodle webpage said:”Our Doodle celebrates Harel’s 256th birthday with a slideshow that illustrates how camembert is made, step by step.