
In refusing Gissendaner’s request for clemency, members of The Georgia Board of Paroles and Pardons are as stained with sin as Gissendaner once was herself.

In 1998 Kelly Gissendaner was convicted of plotting with an accomplice to kill her husband for the money she would get from his life insurance policy.

Since 1998, Gissendaner found God, with the help of leading theologian Jennifer McBride, Board of Regents Chair of Ethics and assistant professor of religion at Wartburg College in Iowa.

Gissendaner’s own children-whose father was murdered by Gissendaner and her accomplice-pleaded that her life be spared.

Can we not agree that when a person has changed as thoroughly as Kelly Gissendaner – as evidenced by her words and deeds and the profound and positive impression she has made on others – that executing her is, for all intents and purposes, very close to executing an entirely different person from the one convicted of murder?

Maybe officials of the State of Georgia didn’t much care that Kelly Gissendaner likely had more of God’s work to do on this earth.