
Alec Baldwin makes one last appearance as Trump for SNL’s last episode in 2016, joined by Beck Bennett’s shirtless Vladimir Putin to escort us into the New Year in horror.

“We think you are the best candidate, the smartest candidate, the Manchurian candidate” Bennett’s Putin tells him, as he places an Elf on the Shelf on Trump’s mantle, “Next to the internet router.”

If Putin sliding down the chimney was one cold open surprise, the entrance of John Goodman as Trump’s Secretary of State pick Rex Tillerson was another.

Like Baldwin, Goodman’s in the SNL Hall of Fame of frequent, favorite hosts, making him a delightfully random choice to play someone who’s going to be a major player in the Trump administration.

They start going over plans to scratch each other’s back, and when Baldwin’s Trump asks what they’re up to he gets promptly dismissed: “Don’t worry about it!”.

When the conversation turns to oil, his Trump attempts to interject, “Speaking of black and crude, I know Kanye!” And then, with a fleeting mention to the past week’s childish Vanity Fair controversy, you have Trump News Bingo.

The allusions to all things Trumps were clever, with the added sweetness of Bennett’s take on Putin and an impressively thin John Goodman stopping by.