Classic OG” is a sign of maturity and old age for J.J. Finnesser who completes his trilogy of studio albums, clarifying what is important to him: family and growing up. By detoxing my mind, body and spirit, I was able to sharpen my focus and reprogram outdated thought patterns and belief systems that led to self-sabotage. JJ adds: “Classic OG is the culmination of a phase of my life that began with alcoholism and homelessness. I quit drinking alcohol in 2017, and it’s one of the smartest decisions I’ve ever made. Classic OG is a hip-hop renaissance masterpiece,” said J.J. Finnesser. “Classic OG” spotlights JJ Finesser’s triumphs. “Classic OG brings the most value to the market because it is unique. The company’s temperament and values are highlighted by its artistry. Hence the name “Classic OG.” My album is a representation of who I have become,Classic OG.’ That’s all that matters” – J.J. Finnesser. It’s a level that taught me that when the student is ready, the teacher shows up. The90s hip-hop I grew up on will be revered over time, as will the sounds of Motown. “The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, but conformity. By continuing to use this site, you consent to its use.

‘Classic JJ Finesser