It’s been just under two years since Cardie B’s Yellow Bodac climbed to the top of Billboard’s 100 bestseller list, and the results of a glass ceiling rapper born in the Bronx are already visible. This time it took only two years for another hip-hop woman to follow in the footsteps of Cardy B, when “The truth hurts” Lizzo today officially reached the top of the list. Cardie B, a pioneer in cartography, celebrates Lizzo’s arrival at the top of the list. Cardie was also the first rapper to reach the top of the list. Cardie B congratulates Lizzo on reaching the top of the list. She has long said that she would be happy to work with any other rapper, even if she has a friction with Nicky Minaj. 1, the last rapper was Lauryn Hill, 20 years ago. Before Cardie came on stage, ALL APPLICABLE HAVE NOT HAVE. WHOEVER THINKS HE’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH, I LOVE A THIRD. WE’RE NUMBER ONE.