Green said that his favorite experience during his years at Hold Music helped a billing agency that sent people delayed people’s medical bills, often quite high, and asked them to call a certain number. Many companies want classical music in their queues, but experts say it rarely works because the music has to be compressed into a much smaller format to play on analog phone lines. Mark Malekpour, who works at Beatsuite, a music library that sells a variety of music specifically for stand-by systems, says that companies often want popular music. Legend has it that Alfred Levy, a manufacturer, accidentally discovered the ability to contain music when a cable in his telephone system recorded a radio broadcast from the nearby home. “People like to joke about elevator music, and that’s great,” said Cristina Stacy, vice president of On Hold Marketing Works. On the other hand, “I’m On Hold” completely interrupts the genre by breaking the fundamental rule that waiting music shouldn’t attract attention. Traditional on hold music can work as a kind of narcotics, both against the other side of the line and against the seemingly endless and angry waiting of capitalism. David Green is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Experiences Marketing Association and has been on hold for more than two decades. Hold Music has been launched, as well as his support, Hold Messaging, brand announcements that can overwrite the music, show the opening hours or thank him for spending time in the phone queue. Hold Music was born in the early sixties, a few years after the installation of the first transatlantic telephone cable between Newfoundland and Scotland. “This self-confidence stems from the desire to experience this kind of waiting music, which I’m not even sure is something,” says Cornell. People complain that they keep the music all the time, but businesses can’t do without the music, for fear of being hung up. Hold Music has a paradoxical purpose: to keep people informed, but not to attract their attention.

Hold Hold Music