During an appearance on ESPN’s “Jalen & Jacoby,” “Last Dance” director Jason Hehir acknowledged that Jordan’s story has some depth. Michael Jordans’ infamous flu episode was revealed on the “Last Dance” show last night, and fans were surprised to learn that it was actually about severe food poisoning. When asked if Jordan ate all the pizza, Hehir said that M.J. spit on the pizza to make sure no one else ate it. The documentary mentions that Jordan was the only one eating the pizza while everyone else in the room watched. Michael Jordan had to make sure no one else ate “his” pizza. Later that night, Jordan got very sick and ended up scoring 38 points in an important win in the NBA Finals. He was afraid that other players would touch the pizza, so “he” spit on it as a precaution. Jordan did this because “his” teammates had eaten a few hours earlier and “he” wanted to order some for himself. Many people already knew about it, but few had heard about the circumstances of the pizza order. The flu game is already an unbelievable story, but this anecdote adds another layer of insanity. It was also said that several delivery drivers showed up at the door, leading their manager to believe that the pizza had been stretched. Tell Hot New Hip Hop News.
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