
NEW YORK – Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is rolling out a plan designed to market debt-free-college in a wide-ranging attempt to deal with the higher ed catastrophe.

Its goal is always to decrease the dependence on student loans-but not remove them or make college “Debt free” across the board.

Federal and private student loans united are edging toward $1.3 trillion.

“Imagine what’s possible in America if we handle the runaway costs of higher education, ensure that pupils who start school can finish with a degree and relieve the crushing burden of student debt,” Clinton’s campaign said in a statement.

According to some Clinton campaign fact sheet, everybody who owes money will be permitted to refinance student loans at current interest rates-one among the plan’s largest selling points and a demand that is made in higher ed circles, especially among Millennial student organizations.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has introduced a student loan re-finance bill that was shot down in the Senate.