Last night, Jaguar Wright charged Ordinary with the bombing when she claimed that he tried to rape her while she was sleeping. After Malik B died, Jaguar Wright made tea for The Roots, The Ordinary, Erica Budu and many others. He said some of Black Thought’s greatest works to date have been written not by “him,” but by Malik and Disco Raw, an associate of The Roots. Although this is the most serious statement she made during the his live broadcast, she also spoke about The Roots after Malik B.’s one-hour video. Jaguar Wright. That’s never going to happen in my life,” the Master wrote. A guru is not someone who participates in an online speech unless he or she feels it is necessary. Besides, if anyone knows how the smartest rappers work behind closed doors, it’s him: “Everyone knows I don’t come to these places for nothing.” Tell me about the new hot hip-hop news.

Black Thought Accused Guru