Rose totally possessing her sexuality, is fighting back against stereotypes supposed to put shame upon women, and encouraging other women to do that same.
The 31-year-old teamed up with Amusing or Perish to produce the uproarious video “Walk of No Shame With Amber Rose,” that’s designed to put back the “Pride in her step.”
A grown woman making her own decisions and loving herself only has to be embarrassing, right? Well, not in Amber Rose’s world.
The video opens with a milkman asking a smiling and hip-swinging Rose, “It appears to me like you had sex yesterday.” She proudly replies, “I sure did!” Go on, mother.
As a refresher, Rose was freely bashed by her ex boyfriend Kanye West, who told The Breakfast Club, “It’s quite difficult for a female to desire to be with someone that is with Amber Rose I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim.” After the comments, she told Perez Hilton, “We were happy when we were together! And now all of the sudden, I am becoming slut-shamed because we are not together anymore and it’s not reasonable.”
Rose’s own Slut Walk in La on Oct. 3 is not just about retrieving language used against women, like “Slut” and “Whore,” but about openly talking on the inequality that still goes on now, in the form of wage gaps, sexual assault, and more.