After 40 years of marriage and serving the Catholic Church as a deacon for the past five years, giving up the diaconate was the last thing on my mind. Rick, a local reporter, wanted to interview me about my experience with the diaconate and how I came to that decision. The fact that I am a deacon in the Catholic Church reinforced this process. Tom is a retired systems engineer, magician, teacher, and former deacon in the Catholic Church. I hope that glimmers of hope, faith, love and peace will also find their way through the clouds within you. Life has been good – wife, home, children, grandchildren, health, retirement and an extraordinary ministry. And yet glimmers of hope, faith, love and peace broke through the clouds. My wives’ grief was hard enough, but in the case of suicide, the grieving process was even more intense. I knew this rule, but after two years of reflection, I could never make up my mind. The Catholic Church spoke out unequivocally. I could not continue to be a deacon and have another love affair that could lead to marriage. Tom Fargnoli and “his” wife Dorothy live in Clarksboro, New Jersey. Finally, with the help of the gods, I made a decision.   Your browser does not have Javascript enabled. They met later, having lost their spouses.