
“Canned Air” is an adult swim through ’80s and ’90s comics and pop culture, with a splash of Columbus color.

“The initial idea for the show was to showcase garage bands looking to get some exposure. The plan was to interview a different band on each episode and throughout the interview play a few of their original songs,” said Jeramy Kahle, one of the podcast’s three hosts.

After a trip to the 2013 Wizard World Comic Con, Kahle realized the camaraderie of the comics scene was something worth talking about.

“Being a big fan of comics and seeing how the genre had become mainstream, I had to check it out. It absolutely blew my mind. During my youth, comics were somewhat taboo,” Kahle said.

Shortly tafter, Kahle dusted off some old recording equipment and gatd fellow comic connoisseurs Jack Dougherty and Jake Runyon to record the first “Canned Air.” Since then, the podcast has been downloaded more than 30,000 times, with more than 1,500 subscribers.

The trio said highlighting the local comics scene has been of growing importance, and reaching out to Columbus artists is on the group’s 2017 to-do list.

“Columbus is rapidly becoming a central hub for the comic scene,” Kahle said.

Yvonne Craig