Vicemedia to pay $187 million settlement in a lawsuit over gender pay gap: report. The vice marks are $625,000 for attorneys representing women, as well as $15,000 in service fees, leaving $1,075 million for women employed in New York and California. Vice Media agrees to pay $1.875 billion to employees after the company was accused of paying women much less than men. According to the Hollywood journalist, Vice agreed to pay a total of $1.875 billion to 675 former employees after they were accused of systematically paying women much less than men for the same job. 2018 on behalf of Elizabeth Rose, former deputy project manager, who said the company pays women less than men despite the same work. Vice Media has agreed to settle the class action lawsuit against it. For this reason, we provided our employees with the results of the company’s salary analysis and also resolved the Rose case by eliminating the alleged historical differences. The prosecution alleged that the media giant had not only violated the United States.

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