
So t you are, merely having a regular Tuesday, matters puttering along like normal, and then, right at the end of the day, whammo: you’re hit with the news that Louis Tomlinson, one fourth of the cute-boy music group One Direction, is expecting a baby with stylist Briana Jungwirth.

Yes, Louis is gonna be a father. Is it possible to believe it? I am having difficulty.

Louis Tomlinson becoming a father means that he’s an adult now, or at least on his approach to maturity.

Louis is recently, as fresh as March anyhow, out of a relationship with Eleanor Calder, and now this, using a buddy.

Larry Stylinson is the portmanteau of Louis Tomlinson’s as well as Harry Styles’s names-it is their ‘boat name.

I mean, picture Louis and Harry raising the baby together!! Just picture the pictures! And why not, two guys raise infants all the time together these days.

Louis Tomlinson