
Colbert scooted over and gave Stewart a chair and a pen, and then the two friends jostled for space at the desk before Stewart admitted he misses commenting on current affairs and is now forced to “Spend the whole day yelling about Trump to the animals.”

Stewart then hammered Trump for lying, claiming that “Trump lies more in one press conference than CNN does in a year and this is coming from a guy, who as you know, hates CNN.”.

Stewart then showed a clip of Trump claiming he received the most electoral college votes since Ronald Reagan, which is true, Stewart said, only if you discount every president elected since Reagan.

When Colbert says that perhaps Trump is just exaggerating as opposed to lying on purpose, Stewart stops him and plays a clip that shows Trump saying “Believe me” over and over.

Stewart says the mere fact that Trump uses that phrase is proof that his words are intentional falsehoods.

“Nobody says ‘believe me’ unless they are lying,” Stewart claims.

Stewart then says he wants to talk to “The media.”

Instead of chasing this person, Stewart recommends that the media embrace a chance to practice “Self-reflection and improvement.”

Jon Stewart