Maybe she was celebrating 4/20 … but Tila Tequila wished Adolf Hitler a happy birthday in a series of erratic tweets.
The controversial reality star also wished herself a happy birthday during her Twitter tirade on Wednesday as she proclaimed she was the reincarnation of the Nazi party leader.
“Happy birthday to my past life historical figure, most epic legend of all time, Mein Furhor, Adolf Hilila! The most high,” she kicked off her disturbing stream of tweets.
The 34-year-old supporter of Donald Trump also shared a Photoshopped photo of herself as Hitler, weirdly noting “The second coming of Christ in the end times prophecy has been fulfilled.”
In between her bizarre claims, which included the suggestion she was jumping through time and space, she declared she was Hitler in the present day.
Tequila has previously shouted her sympathy for Hitler on social media.