
This time, the conversation surrounds some comments the Harlem rapper made about skin lightening back in April.

The tweets resurfaced after she touched on skin bleaching again in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

Banks initially spoke out when a Twitter user asked her reasons for lightening her skin.

The rapper is referring to “Colorism.” The Oxford dictionaries defines colorism as a “Chiefly U.S.” phenomenon defined as “Prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.”

Colorism is most obvious in American beauty standards that tend to favor Black people with lighter skin tones.

Many of the Black actors and music artist who are considered to be attractive have lighter skin.

Facebook commenters said she looked like she bleached her skin to appear white.

You can watch ATTN’s video about skin bleaching below.

Azealia Banks